I wish someone told me how to deal with life

“I wish someone had told me” is a series of posts that feed into our inquisitive nature at CN&CO. Each week we hear from someone in our network about something interesting or surprising that’s recently happened or occurred to them – or lessons they learnt. These blogs are a way to pay it forward and form part of CN&CO’s belief that the world can be a better place – and we all have a responsibility to make it so.”

You cannot control what happens in the world.

You can control how you respond.

Easy to read, quite challenging to actually put into practice. The first draft of this blog was a long post detailing my thoughts on our current situation but as I edited it I realised two things.

  • it was nothing I hadn’t read elsewhere (about humanity at this time and the myriad stories of hope, despair, resilience, love and death and everything else in between)
  • the concluding idea was all that mattered. It is now in bold at the top.


An article that I revisit periodically is The Tail End by Tim Urban from waitbutwhy. If you made it to this post, I encourage you to give it a read for a visual appreciation of the time we have left. Hopefully it strikes a chord for some.

Stay safe everyone.