Help Clean Joburg

In February Blake Dyason partnered with 5FM to host one of Cape Towns largest clean ups, in just 4 hours they collected over 1.6 tons of litter. The momentum hasn’t stopped, with Love our Trails hosting regular trail clean ups and local businesses getting their hands dirty cleaning their local communities.

Blake has now partnered with Stillwater Sports to host the Joburg Clean Up, one week before the FNB Joburg 10K CITYRUN.

Come join the Joburg Clean Up on Sunday 17 September. Meet like minded people and make a difference. Bags and gloves will be supplied and all the waste will be removed, sorted and recycled.

This is an opportunity for people that live in and around Johannesburg to make a difference. By joining in on the clean up you will help clean the streets making our city more attractive for visitors and tourists. Creating more jobs and empowering local entrepreneurs. We will educate fellow South Africans about the impact of litter, the value of recycling and upcycling. Creating further opportunity and slowly  a community that is proud of it’s environment leading to less crime.

How do we expect people to respect others if we don’t respect our environment? Come lead by example and help us clean Joburg! There will be two meeting points in the city center where we will gather on the day. Click here to pick your preferred meeting point..

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

Event details:
Sunday 17 September.
10;00 to 14:00

What to bring: friends, family, staff and a smile, come for an hour or four hours!